
News by the Einstein Foundation

New web portal for Doctoral Programs

The brand new Internet portal now bundles and presents all structured PhD programs in the Berlin region. It allows young researchers from around the world to search for suitable offerings in their discipline – with a selection of over 100 programs. The portal was created as a joint initiative of the Einstein Foundation and the major universities in and around Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität der Künste Berlin, and Universität Potsdam. 

The new English-language portal provides information about the research focus, available scholarships and application deadlines, as well as the number of places for the individual programs. It is mainly intended for university graduates from abroad who would like to learn more about doctoral opportunities in Berlin. The doctoral programs can be found either by entering search terms or browsing an overview of disciplines. Prospective PhD students can also obtain general information on doctoral studies in Germany, as well as contact persons at the universities.

Universities in the Berlin area collaborate intensively in various research fields. With the new online portal they now join forces for the first time to comprehensively market the region’s over 100 doctoral programs.

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