Jewish Homosexual Modernism in the German Speaking World and in Mandatory Palestine/Israel

The literary scholar Andreas Kraß (Humboldt University of Berlin), the literary scholar Tamar Hess and the historian Moshe Sluhovsky (both Hebrew University of Jerusalem) hypothesise that a new literary canon emerged between 1890 and 1945, which they call "Jewish homosexual modernism". They argue that modern Hebrew literature was influenced by modern German literature, but also played a role in the construction and dissemination of the Jewish homosexual canon. The researchers examine the intertwining of Judaism and homosexuality from the dual perspective of images of the self and the other, and explore the influence of this intertwining, often based on the interchangeability of anti-Semitic and homophobic ideas, on European modernity. The research project aims to expand our knowledge of Jewish-German literature and to open up a new perspective on the canon of literary modernism.

Funding period: 01/2020 - 12/2022

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kraß
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für deutsche Literatur
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Phone: 030 / 2093-9711
E-mail: andreas.krass(at)

Applicant: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Partner: Hebräische Universität Jerusalem