Documents and downloads for funding recipients and project implementation
Form detailing expenditure of funds
Form requesting drawdown of funds
Antragsformular auf kostenneutrale Verlängerung und/oder Umwidmung (available only in German)
Antragsformular für personellen Mehrbedarf (available only in German)
Förderrichtlinien der Stiftung (available only in German)
Guidelines on Equal Opportunity, Diversity, and Career Support
There is a report form for each programme which is applicable to both interim and final reports. You can download it from the programme specific website.
Interim reports must be submitted by March 31 of the following year (or three months after the end of funding) if a project runs at least six months within a calender year. Final reports are due six months after the end of the project. Please submit the completed forms as a Word or PDF file to bericht(at)