Evolution of arthropod axial elongation

Arthropods include crustaceans and insects. As these animals grow, they form their body axis from an initially round anlage with the help of a growth zone that is often located in the posterior region. In this research project, embryos from two major groups of animals, insects and crustaceans, will be analysed for cellular and molecular genetic aspects of their longitudinal growth. Using 4D microscopy and genetic research, carried out in collaboration between the Humboldt University of Berlin and Hebrew University, the researchers are contributing to a better understanding of the evolution of arthropod development and segmented animals in general.

Funding period: 01/2013 - 01/2016

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Scholtz
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biologie
AG Vergleichende Zoologie
Philippstr. 13 
10115 Berlin
Phone: 030/ 209 360 05
E-mail: gerhard.scholtz@rz.hu-berlin.de

Applicant: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Partner: Hebrew University of Jerusalem