Pathways to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research in Global Health

Preparatory phase for an Einstein Research Unit: "Pathways to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research in Global Health"

Research and innovation are central to answering current and future questions in the field of global health. This involves not only working across local and national boundaries, but also involving a variety of research disciplines. For this reason, inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations are needed to achieve the common goals. The common goal of the preparatory phase of the Research Unit is to become a competitive and coherent Einstein Research Unit for "Global Health".


Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Beate Kampmann

Charité Centre for Global Health, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Email: beate.kampmann(at)

Duration: October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2025