
#AskDifferent – the Podcast of the Einstein Foundation
#AskDifferent, the Einstein Foundation’s podcast series, offers a unique behind-the-scenes opportunity to learn more about the pioneering minds affiliated with and funded by the Foundation, and to find out how their outstanding careers were shaped both by chance and circumstance. What is it that drives them to ask differently, to perpetually ask new questions, and explore the world in all its detail?

#26: Riccardo Giovanni Urso

Is there Life in Space?

Are we alone in space? What could extraterrestrial life forms look it? And how do we find them? These questions are almost as old as mankind itself. Natural Scientist and former Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellow Riccardo Giovanni Urso tries to answer them every day. In this episode of #AskDifferent, he talks about his scientific journeys through space, basic ingredients for life, and why he would love to be onboard a mission to mars.

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