Viola Vogel
Please close your eyes for a moment and think about your research project. What do you see at first?
Forces that pull on molecules and switch their binding sites on or off. Cells take advantage of this mechanisms to sense and communicate with their environments.
What would your research project look like if it was a piece of art?
My piece of art is highly dynamic and would move around. It would be sticky in some moments, and then as it moves, would suddenly switch into a nonsticky state.
To your opinion, what are the three most meaningful inventions of mankind?
- The invention of written languages
- Quantum Mechanics
- The GPS system
With whom would you like to exchange your workplace for one day, and what would you do then?
With an astronaut exploring new space.
Is there a place in Berlin that links to the work on your research project?
The Charite, as we plan to explore jointly how mechanical forces regulate tissue functions in health and disease.
March 2018