Einstein Center Catalysis

The Einstein Center of Catalysis (EC2) is topically linked to the Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Systems in Catalysis” (UniSysCat) funded by the German Federal and State Governments within the framework of the new Excellence Strategy. UniSysCat is the follow-up Cluster to "UniCat" ("Unifying Concepts in Catalysis") in place from 2007 - 2018.

Funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the successful graduate school BIG-NSE (Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering) will be continued and further developed throughout the UniSysCat funding period 2019 - 2026.

EC² is dedicated to strengthening modern catalysis research by bundling the rich expertise on this topic present in the Berlin region and by generating novel synergies.

News about Einstein Center Catalysis

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