The Einstein Center Digital Future is an inter-university nucleus for research on the digitalization of our society. Its aim is to foster innovative, cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, and to provide outstanding training for talented young scholars. The Einstein Center Digital Future is a public-private partnership, initiating around 50 new professorships, and bringing together universities, non-university research institutes, and industrial enterprises, as well as regional and federal ministries. The scale of this alliance between public entities, sponsors and supporters is unique in Berlin’s history as a center of academic endeavor.
The first funding phase (2017-2023) of the ECDF was approved by the Einstein Foundation Berlin in 2016. In July 2022, following a successful evaluation by an international panel of experts, the Board of Directors of the Einstein Foundation decided that the ECDF would be funded for another five years until 31 March 2028. On 1 April 2023, the ECDF thus started its second funding phase "ECDF-Next Generation".