The Einstein Center Population Diversity (ECPD) will study the consequences of increasing population diversity for social inequality and health disparities by focusing on the growing diversity of families, including changing conceptions and boundaries of the family itself. The family is a crucial, if not the primary, arena where inequalities are (re-)produced within and across generations, in and through the continuous interaction with social policy, the labor market, and educational institutions. Thus, changing family patterns and behavior are both a source of growing population diversity on the societal level and a driver of social inequality and wellbeing on the individual and household level.
The ECPD will transcend disciplinary silos by linking biomedical sciences and social sciences, to conduct collaborative research on the interrelations between family diversity, health, education, and Einstein Center Population Diversity social inequalities in aging societies. This will be done by a group of leading scholars in demography, sociology, medicine, psychology, and health sciences. The ECPD will be thus uniquely situated to investigate the biological, psychological, social, and environmental pathways and mechanisms as well as their interrelations operating at the family level.