Michel Chaouli
Einstein Visiting Fellow at the Friedrich-Schlegel-Graduiertenschule
Funding period: 2021 - 2023
Michel Chaouli
The Philological Laboratory set out to enable new modes of…
Andrew Hurrell
Einstein Visiting Fellow at Free University Berlin, Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”
Funding period: 2020 - 2023
Andrew Hurrell
Anne-Frances Miller
Einstein Visiting Fellow at Technischen Universität Berlin, Cluster of Excellence "UniSysCat"
Funding period: 2020 - 2023
Anne-Frances Miller
WP1, Advancement and…
Short Vita
From 2020 Einstein Visiting Fellow at the Cluster of Excellence "NeuroCure", Berlin, Germany
Since 2015 Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe
Since 2014 Research…
Short Vita
Since 2020 Einstein Visiting Fellow, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Since 2012 Professor of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
1990 - 1992…
Short Vita
From 2020 Einstein Visiting Fellow, Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)", Berlin, Germany
2015 Visting Researcher, Berlin Social Science…
Contact person
Marina Meurer Email: info(at)einsteinfoundation.de Phone: +49 30 20370248
Contact person
As a public entity persuant to Directive (EU) 2016/2102, we strive to make our websites…
Please find more information on the project here.
The aim of the joint research project of Andreas Meisel (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and Hermona Soreq (Hebrew…
April 2023 - March 2025
Einstein Research Fellow at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Since 2009
Director Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Work and Human Life Course in Global…
Funding Period
October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2026
Funding Period
The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies has once again been awarded funding for its excellent doctoral programs,…