The project KopfKino is a collaborative research study combining neuroscience and architecture through immersive communication tools and cutting-edge technology. Bringing together insights from both fields the project aims at designing improved urban environments based on positive human experiences.
Prateep Beed and Sergey Prokofyev invite the audience to a full immersive 360° presentation about navigation, space and the perception of the urban environment. The speakers will introduce the audience to how humans perceive space and how they navigate in it. And they will talk about how they use immersive imaging technology like the “Neuro-Space Dome” to investigate human interaction in physical space. They do this by guiding the audience through a virtual city of their own creation. Immersive imaging technology not only enables impressive visual effects. 360° imaging makes it possible to study navigation in space and human response to architecture before buildings are built and without requiring people to move. The combination of neuroscience, architecture and immersive tools allows researchers to understand what human-friendly cities look like and architects to design them.
Prateep Beed
Prateep Beed is a neuroscientist and works in the lab of Einstein Professor Dietmar Schmitz at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. He has more than 15 years of professional experience. Besides working on neural circuits, he is interested in science communication. He enjoys explaining to the public how research is conducted in the neurosciences and regularly appears in science communication formats.
Sergey Prokofyev
Sergey Prokofyev is an architect and immersive film director at Studio Schwitalla in Berlin. The main focus of his work is the exploration new ways of architectural communications tools through immersive video. His immersive projects were awarded in different international Full Dome film festivals and architecture competitions.
Einstein in the dome
In Analogie zur Reise zu den Sternen präsentieren herausragende Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen im Zeiss-Großplanetarium ihre Reise zu den neuesten Forschungserkenntnissen. Die Veranstaltungsreihe ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Stiftung Planetarium Berlin und der Einstein Stiftung Berlin.
Der Biologe und promovierte Neurowissenschaftler Jochen Müller organisiert und moderiert Science Slams im In- und Ausland und schreibt u. a. für „“ und „Zeit Wissen“.