Zu welchen Themen können Anträge gestellt werden?

Die BUA hat hierzu folgende Informationen übermittelt:

The Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership seeks to connect the tremendous range of bottom-up connections with the identification of shared Priority Areas and Grand Challenges (in addition to the two current BUA Grand Challenges of social cohesion and global health).   This list reflects academic discussion within the Partnership and we would want to stress the potential for inter-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary work connecting the areas listed below.

Vaccines and Immunology
Cardiovascular medicine 

Repair and regenerative paediatrics and developmental medicine
Digital health 


AI and Digital Transformation
Quantum Computing  

Reproducible Science 

Sustainable Life and Processes (including Urban Living)   

Understanding the Human Past 

Global Futures: Performance, Language, Art
Diversity and Intercultural Communication 

Environment and Global Shared Spaces 

Social Sciences 

Democratic resilience 

Conflict, peace and security 

Inequalities and the political economy of inequality 

The changing faces of governance