
#AskDifferent - der Podcast der Einstein Stiftung

#AskDifferent – der Podcast der Einstein Stiftung
In der Podcast-Reihe #AskDifferent erzählen geförderte und mit der Stiftung verbundene Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von den kleinen Schritten und großen Zufällen, die zu einer außergewöhnlichen Laufbahn geführt haben. Wir wollen wissen: Was treibt sie an, anders zu fragen, immer weiter zu fragen und unsere Welt bis ins kleinste Detail zu ergründen?

#20: Chris Sander

Mapping the Labyrinth

Chris Sander, Professor for Cell Biology from Harvard Medical School and one of the founders of bioinformatics, works to understand the "labyrinth" of cancer growth. The aim of his current research as an Einstein Visiting Fellow at the Berlin Institute of Health is to find out how to block the side doors through which aggressive cancer types manage to escape medical blockage during a treatment. Starting his career as a physicist, it took him some turns to get where he is today. His advice for young researchers: stick with science, look for mentors - and ask the right questions. Photo: Chris Sander/ Sanderlab.org

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